Dual Enrollment

MCLA’s Dual enrollment provides opportunities for Massachusetts high school students to take college-level courses for free and earn credit for high school completion and a future college degree. Interested students should contact their high school guidance counselor for more information.

Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Partnership Program

MCLA’s program allows qualified high school students to enroll in free, transferable introductory college courses at MCLA. 

Apply Today


  • Earn transferable college credit at no cost
  • Introduce high school students to college-level courses
  • Strengthens college applications and improve overall weighted GPA  

Program Requirements

  • Must be a high school student residing in Massachusetts
  • Guidance counselor recommendation
  • Completion of brief MCLA Dual Enrollment application
  • Minimum GPA is a 3.0 or must demonstrate potential for academic success

Summer 2025 Dual Enrollment courses

Unless otherwise noted, all of MCLA’s Dual Enrollment courses occur in an asychronous online format. 

Session A (May 21-July 3)

BADM-160 Management 
BIOL-105 Human Biology
CCCA-207 Children's Literature*
CHEM-150 Intro to Chemistry I w/ Lab**
ENGL-150 College Writing
ENGL-210 Essentials of Film
HIST-114 US History After 1877
MATH-150 Precalculus
PHED-215 Lifetime Wellness
SPAN-101 Spanish I

Session B (July 7-August 16)

BADM-170 Marketing 
BIOL-150L Intro to Biology w/ Lab**
COMM-204 Media Self-Identity and Society  
ENVI-226 Nature of New England
HLTH-115 Science of Human Wellness
MATH-220 Calculus I  
MATH-232 Intro to Statistics 
MUSI-100 Intro to Music
SOCI-100 Introduction to Sociology
SPAN-102 Spanish II

*synchronous; meets online at a specific day and time  
**occurs in-person at MCLA’s campus in North Adams 


Please contact Madeleine McKeon at Madeleine.McKeon@mcla.edu or 413.662.5220 with questions.